Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Featured Artisan - Cherie L Moses, ChermoDesigns

Art to me is the expression of the soul. It provides challenge, happiness and peace in my life. I started designing jewelry as a way to relax after a hectic day. I cherish the time that I spend with my "rocks" and bead board.

If there's one thing that defines you, what is it?
The ability to see beauty in everyday life.

What role does your family play in your art?
My daughter is a professionally trained artist, focusing on the fiber arts. She provides a sounding board suggesting ideas that may not have entered into consideration without her prompting.

Where did you learn to craft?
I am self taught, I started creating jewelry 4-5 years ago and during each new step in my evolution I have learned either what to do or what not to do. My motto through this learning process has been "wire is cheap" and "anything that can be done can be undone.”

What is your favorite craft supplier?
My favorite supplier is Arizona Gemstone and Bead. They really know what they are talking about and help newcomers to the craft.

If there is a new craft you could learn, what would it be and why?
Silver smithing, I would like the opportunity to bring to fruition some of the designs that I have imagined.

What are your goals with your ArtFire studio?
To gain exposure for my work and become part of an artisan community. I believe community is essential. Everyone should feel that they are a part of something bigger than themselves.

Where do you receive your inspiration, in general?
My inspiration is from nature and the beautiful colors of the rock that the earth creates.

How did you come to selling crafts?
I wanted others to enjoy my creations.

How did you come to find a home on ArtFire?
As I was poring over bead magazines, I found several ads for ArtFire. I like the concept, I like the community and I like the fact that ArtFire is actively doing something to give back to the earth.

What is the best piece of advice you can give other crafters?
My best piece of advice is to create every day.

What is the most treasured thing in your craft stash?
A strand of Petoskey stones. I filled my pockets with them as a small child and now cherish their presence in my collection.

If you won a thousand dollar craft shopping spree, what would you spend it on?
I would spend it on gemstones. I could purchase all the beautiful stones that I have imagined creating pieces with over the years.

Why do you think that buying and selling handmade products benefits society?
In this "big box" "hurry up and get it" world, very few of the purchases made today are as personal as purchasing a handmade item. I bought handmade before I entered the cause myself. I enjoyed getting to know the creator and understanding who they were and what motivated them to create. I believe if more people realized the importance of handmade over mass production the world would be a better and more stable place.

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