Where do you live and what is it like?
I live in Las Vegas, which is known to be "Sin City." It's a pretty big city with lots of hustle and bustle and never ending growth. It's a rare thing to walk outside your home and not be able to see bright lights and busy people. Crocheting gives me a way to revert to simplicity in a complicated town.
Where did you learn to craft?
My aunt taught me the very basics of crocheting when I was about 10 or so. All she knew about it was chains and double crochets, but that little knowledge sent my mind flying with potential and endless possibilities of what can be made with a couple basic tools- A hook and yarn, that is.
If there is a new craft you could learn, what would it be and why?
For a while now, I've wanted to learn to spin my own yarn. I've recently purchased a drop spindle and am looking forward to learning the art. With the guilds here on Artfire along with all of the endless info that can be found on the web, there's no way that one can resist learning something new. World of spinning, here I come!
What are your goals with your ArtFire studio?
I'd like to get my work out there to start- networking and advertising are my 2 main things I need to work on. Hopefully, in the near future, I will have a signature style and brand in my shop.
How did you come to find a home on ArtFire?
I joined shortly after getting an account on Twitter. After seeing how 'all for' individual shop growth, and how caring the staff is, It was a no brainer to stay here on ArtFire.
What is the best piece of advice you can give other crafters?
Everything isn't for everybody, and everything you make isn't for YOU. I mean, some people will like your stuff, and some won't. And that's fine.
You may make things that you'd wear or use yourself- but would others? Try stepping a small toe outside of your box, you may come up with something that's really funky by your tastes, but loved my lots.
If you won a thousand dollar craft shopping spree, what would you spend it on?
Yarn and buttons! Oh- and things to make purses with. Along with other supplies that would help me with spinning.
Why do you think that buying and selling handmade products benefits society?
When a person crafts something with their own 2 hands, it adds a bit of the fundamental goodness that comes along with being a human to the piece. We craft from our beautiful minds and hearts. I think that being surrounded by, and being willing to offer handmade goods will help us get back to being a people who know how to appreciate one another's time, effort, and uniqueness.
Visit LaneesCrochet’s ArtFire Studio
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